Saturday 28 January 2012

Welcome to My Blog! :)

Hey, everyone!

Look out for that sneaky creeper!
I'm Aidan and I'm 10 years old and I am on the Autism Spectrum. Welcome to my first blog! I'll be here to talk to you about Minecraft, Pokemon, Movies, Star Wars, Origami, Harry Potter, Justin Bieber, Super heroes, and a bunch of other cool stuff! I will display pictures of my own proudly nerdy artwork, and More! You can ask me questions about just about anything in the comment section! Oh, and just one more thing, watch out for that sneaky Creeper! He is hiding on this website somewhere. I'm not sure how he got here, but just make sure he doesn't blow up!

Aidan the Aspie, over and out!


  1. Hey Aidan, really cool site, can't wait to see what you write and what you post.
