Tuesday 31 January 2012

Minecraft Paper Art 2.0!

Hey, I'm back!

So, I had some trouble with the last post. Here's why, First of all, it was rushed. I had to go to evening church. Second of all, I had some technical difficulties fitting all the photos in so I knew I had to make a second post. I am set off easily when it comes to technology. I have meltdowns. Keep in mind, I am autistic and only 10. But my mom says that everyone is set off when technology doesn't obey. I also said that I would post more photos, so, without further ado, heres Minecraft! (Second edition!)
This is a Nether portal, A Ghast, a Magma Cube, A Pigman Zombie,  and A Blaze.
A Slime, A Magma Cube (A.K.A. Nether Slime.), and an Aether Slime
A Grass block, a Log block, a TNT block, a Cobblestone block, and a Coal block

That's All Folks!


  1. What is a Ghast? It's my favorite. I really like the tiny, intricate ones you are making. Have you seen the artwork online that is done on the head of a pin? The artist uses tiny tools and a microscope to do it. Google it sometime.

  2. A Ghast is kinda like a giant ghost with tentacles. They are supposed to be made up of the souls of all the things you have killed on Minecraft. They are my favourite too! Sometimes, I think they sound like they are saying "cookie", so I named the Ghast pictured here Cookie!

    The head of a pin, eh? I guess I'll have to look it up and write a post about it!

    Thanks! Your son, Aidan
