Sunday 26 July 2015

Aidan the Aspie Critic: Inside Out

Welcome to another review that brings you to a place that we all know but never have explored! This is Inside Out!
Inside Out is PIXAR's first offering for 2015. They are releasing another movie later this year to compensate for not releasing a movie last year. The movie is about a little girl named Riley and her emotions, Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Sadness. Riley's emotions help her through her life from the control centre in her brain, Headquarters. The emotions record all of Riley's memories and keep them safe. Riley's Core Memories, which shape her personality, are protected specially in Headquarters to power the 4 islands of Riley's personality. Riley is a very happy child and she has a nearly perfect and problem-free life. That is, until she and her family move from Minnesota to San Francisco, leaving behind her entire life. A new Core Memory is created, coloured blue, a sad memory. Joy attempts to get rid of it so Riley can stay happy, but Sadness insists it be added to the Core Memory bank. Joy and Sadness, as well as all of the Core Memories both end up getting sucked through the Memory Tube out of headquarters. Without Joy and Sadness, Riley can't feel sad OR happy. Without the Core Memories, Riley is losing what makes her herself. Can Joy and Sadness get back to Headquarters and set everything right? Or will Riley be doomed to a lifetime of depression? Watch Inside Out to find out!
Wow! This movie is FANTASTIC! This is PIXAR's greatest and most emotional movie since Toy Story 3, and that was 5 years ago! While Monsters University and Brave were good, they weren't quite up to the bar that Toy Story 3 set. Inside Out has set that bar even higher! The concept is incredibly original and creative, the characters are all likeable, the animation is fantastic, and the story is really freaking depressing! The performances given by the cast are excellent and the comedy is spot on! The world of Riley's brain is a very well developed world. The movie shows that there are other characters who work in Riley's brain like Riley's imaginary friend, Bing Bong, and other various workers. I do wish the movie showed more of other people's brains. We only get to see Riley's parent's brains and a random pre-teen boy's brain, and those scenes are hilarious, but really brief. You do get to see other various character's brains during the credits, which are also hilarious, but I think more situations like that needed to be added to the main movie. Also, there are a couple are unanswered questions, like "Why are Riley's Anger and Fear male when Riley is a girl? All the other female or male characters have all female or male emotions, so, why doesn't Riley? Subtle gender identity commentary, or just laziness so the movie can be more marketable?" or "Why do Riley's emotions all look nothing like her when all the other character's emotions look like the character?" or "Does Dream Production get material from The Subconscious, Abstract Thought, Long Term Memory, and Imagination Land as well as Riley's day?" etc etc etc. These unanswered questions are a lot less distracting than in Frozen and they don't take away from the overall quality of the movie, they are only nitpicks, so I guess they aren't too much of a problem. This movie isn't also as kid-friendly as PIXAR's other movies. Sure, kids can watch it, but I don't think they will really understand, and the themes of depression might be a bit much for them. This is more of an adult movie, but the kids should still see it. Overall, this is must-see movie this summer! It's fantastic! It is up there with Toy Story 3, Up, and Cars 2 as one of the greatest and most depressing PIXAR movies! Man, Cars 2 was depressing. It was PIXAR's greatest failure and it was depressing that they sunk to that level.... But it's good to know that they've recovered from the Cars 2 incident! I'd give this movie a 4.9 stars out of 5! It's a great feeling to know that PIXAR can still make a movie this good!

Have you seen Inside Out? What did you think of it? Tell me in the comments!

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