Saturday 25 February 2012

Aidan the Aspie Critic

After I see a movie or a play, I'll write about what I thought about it here. I saw a play today called Machomer by Rick Miller. Rick Miller can do perfect impressions of the entire cast of The Simpsons. I am a HUGE fan of The Simpsons, which just celebrated their 500th episode last week. Anyway, Rick decided that he'd like to do something with his impressions. So he wrote a one man play about the entire cast of The Simpsons doing Macbeth.

Some of his impressions were better than others. Homer wasn't very good. Same with Lisa, Mr Smithers, and Troy Maclure. Marge, Mr. Burns, Apu, Otto, Mr. Skinner, Moe, (I'm going to stop listing now because we could go on forever.) were spot on! As Mr. Burns would say, Excellent! The plot was good, but a bit confusing but I can blame Shakesphere for that. There was a surprise musical finale too. That was a great surprise! Check Rick Miller's website at for more information about him and his shows. Check out for more about The Simpsons 500th episode!


  1. Rick Miller is awesome, I saw MacHomer at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival and was very impressed.
